Hans Skatter, Cand. Scient., P.Biol.
Phone: 403.389.1705
Hans Skatter is a biologist and one of the three founding partners of Omnia Ecological Services. Hans holds a Candidatus Scientiarum degree (equivalent to a MSc) in Zoology from the University of Oslo, Norway, and is registered with the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists (P. Biol.).
Before moving to Canada, Hans worked as a radio telemetry field biologist at the University of Oslo and worked at Followit (formerly Televilt) in Sweden, where he was managing sales and support of wildlife telemetry equipment for research projects worldwide. In addition, Hans has worked as a research technician for the Cape Leopard Trust in Cederberg, South Africa.
Hans moved to Alberta, Canada in 2005 where he co-founded ZoHa EcoWorks, a company distributing wildlife tracking equipment to research projects in Canada and USA. He also volunteered at the Conservation Research Centre at the Calgary Zoo and worked as an associate with URSUS Ecosystem Management Ltd. and HAB-TECH Environmental Ltd. He has been managing and leading terrestrial vegetation and wildlife research, inventory, assessment and monitoring projects within the oil and gas, uranium, coal, forestry and urban development industries in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta since 2007. Hans is also lead and co-author in several recently published peer reviewed research papers.
In his spare time, Hans enjoys skiing, mountain biking, running, hunting, canoeing, camping, hiking, traveling and playing music.