Tellus 2D smallThe Tellus GPS collars incorporate the most recent technological advances resulting in operational flexibility, increased performance and improved reliability compared to past products. These collars have a proven track record of over 10+ years demonstrating a very high rate of accurate GPS positioning and battery performance in difficult environmental conditions.

A highly flexible design allows for upgrades or additional options resulting in collars that are suitable for a number of different species, applications and budgets. The most basic collar available is the Tellus Basic GPS collar which includes on-board data storage and UHF (radio) download capability. The UHF download is remotely controlled by command from a handheld Portable Terminal (RCD-04) which is also used for remote activation of the collar release function. UHF downloads are capable of processing approximately 500 positions per minute. Messages regarding mortality alerts are also sent with the download of positioning data.  Mortality alert data includes date, time and location of the mortality.

Collar options include a built-in VHF transmitter which can be used for tracking/locating.  This VHF beacon also has the functionality of switching to recovery mode when the battery power is low or if the collar has entered mortality mode to assist with collar recovery. Additional information including temperature, mortality alerts and activity data are stored on-board with the position data and can be downloaded upon retrieval. A computer software package, Tellus Project Manager (TPM), is used by the customer to program collar functions as well as for downloading data from store-on-board collars.

The Tellus collar design

Tellus GPS products have maintained the favored qualities of earlier designs but have also evolved to accommodate customer requests and suggestions for improvements. Design highlights include:

  • An option for stronger collar material for predators or large herbivores.
  • Variable collar width from as small as 35 mm (light and ultra-light) to 50 mm (small and medium) to large herbivore collars measuring 70 mm.
  • Strong yet light electronic and battery cases benefiting from aluminum construction
  • Battery units with built-in release mechanisms that are interchangeable on the same electronic housing and easily replaced by the customer, which saves time and money (small and medium collars only).
  • Efficient design including protected USB port, numeric LED display and a magnetically operated On/Off switch.


Detachable battery and release mechanism


Tellus Basic GPS collars

Type             Collar width  Collar weight   Max. Positions*

Micro 20 mm from 70 g 3,000
Ultra Light 30 mm from 215 g 7,500
Light 30 mm from 240 g 7,500
Small 40 mm from 600 g 17,000
Medium 50 mm from 800 g 30,000
Medium + 50 mm from 900 g 45,000


*Calculations based on: 0 degrees C, open landscape, one position per half hour, one hour of VHF per day and optimized download of data. Large mammal (e.g. elephant) collars, also available on request.

A battery calculator will be provided to assist you with collar life expectancy calculations for your project.


The Tellus Basic Key Features

  • Remote download in the field via UHF download
  • Upgrade of most Tellus Basic store-on-board collars with remote data download options
  • User designated GPS and radio beacon schedules provides flexibility
  • High number of positions in relation to battery capacity
  • Unique small and remote controlled built-in collar release mechanism
  • Temperature, movement and mortality sensors
  • Stable digital VHF frequency transmitter in a wide temperature range


Upgrades of Tellus Basic GPS Collars: Automatic Remote download of GPS data

The GSM (SMS/GPRS) download option can be used in areas where sufficient GSM cellular network coverage exists. If the collar is outside GSM coverage area the positions will be stored in the unit until the collar is back in GSM coverage. Positioning data is sent by email and is available through an internet based positioning portal, Followit Geo™ (see more info in menu to the left. The GSM option is bi-directional allowing the user to reset the GPS positioning program, activate the drop-off or change configuration schedule while the collar is on the animal. This option increases Tellus Basic collar weight by 3 grams only. This option requires a monthly subscription fee.

The satellite download option utilizes the Iridium satellite system. This systems uses a two-way e-mail communication procedure between the GPS collar and the user via a secure computer server. Key features include worldwide data download coverage, data upload reliability, and fast transfer rates. The GPS positions are forwarded to the user in an e-mails and GPS positions can be taken anywhere and be delivered in just a few minutes with no specialized equipment required. GPS collars can be reprogrammed or drop-off activated to adapt to changes in the project. This download option is a cost effective solution that should be considered for projects in remote areas. This option increases base collar weight by 25 grams. This option requires a monthly subscription fee.