Presentations given by Omnia Ecological Services team members.

  • Skatter, H.G., Charlebois, M.L., and Coats, S. 2023. Erasing anthropogenic disturbance: Natural revegetation of linear features following wildfire, and the implications for woodland caribou (Rangier tarandus caribou) habitat management. Presented at the Saskatchewan Mining Association Environmental Forum, October 18, 2023. Saskatoon, SK.


  • Tsegaye, D., Eftestøl, S., Skatter, H.G., Charlebois, M.L., Colman, J.E., Kansas, J.L., Flydal, K., and Balicki, B. 2018. Habitat versus anthropogenic disturbance – relative influence on woodland caribou area use in the Boreal Shield of Saskatchewan. Poster presented at the 17th North American Caribou Workshop, October 29 – Nov 2, 2018 – Ottawa, Canada.


  • Skatter, H.G., Charlebois, M.L., Eftestøl, S., Tsegaye, D., Colman, J.E., Kansas, J.L., Flydal, K., and Balicki, B. 2016. Living in a burned landscape: Woodland caribou use of residual patches for calving in the high fire/low anthropogenic Boreal Shield of Saskatchewan. Presented at the Saskatchewan Mining Association Environmental Forum, October 19, 2016. Saskatoon, SK.


  • Skatter, H.G, Kansas, J.L., Vargas, J., Balicki, B., and McCullum K. 2016. Using Landsat imagery to backcast fire and post-fire residuals in the Boreal Shield of Saskatchewan – Implications for woodland caribou management. Presented at the Saskatchewan Mining Association Environmental Forum, October 19, 2016. Saskatoon, SK.


  • Skatter, H.G., M.L. Charlebois, S. Eftestøl, D. Tsegaye, J.E. Colman, J.L. Kansas, K. Flydal, and B. Balicki. 2016. Woodland caribou use of residual patches for calving in the high fire/low anthropogenic Boreal Shield of Saskatchewan. Presented at: 16th North American Caribou Workshop, May 19, 2016 – Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.


  • Kansas, J.L., Saxena, A. and Charlebois, M.L. 2013. Empirical EIA with long-term wildlife monitoring. IAIA13 Conference Proceedings’ Impact Assessment the Next Generation 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment 13 – 16 May 2013, Calgary Stampede BMO Centre | Calgary, Alberta, Canada


  • Kansas, J.L., Saxena, A. and Charlebois, M.L. 2012. Long-term multi-species wildlife monitoring – effects of incremental In-situ oil sands development. Presented at: ASPB 2012 Conference Exploring the Boreal Forest: Oil Sands in Alberta.


  • Kansas, J.L., Charlebois, M.L., Balicki, B. and England, K. 2012. Early post-fire forage availability, residual patch distribution and habitat use of woodland caribou in the boreal shield of northern Saskatchewan. Presentation at: The 14th North American Caribou Workshop. September 26 to 28, 2012. Fort St. John, British Columbia.


  • Newton, P.F. and Charlebois, M.L. 2001. Response of black spruce to pre-commercial thinning: preliminary meta-analysis results. Paper presented at the International Union of Forest Research Organizations Conference, Quebec City, Quebec. Sept. 9-14th, 2001.


  • Newton, P.F. and Charlebois, M.L. 2001. Response of jack pine to pre-commercial thinning: preliminary meta-analysis results. Poster presented at the International Union of Forest Research Organizations Conference, Quebec City, Quebec. Sept. 9-14th, 2001.