Publications authored or co-authored by Omnia Ecological Services team members.
- Skatter, H.G., M.L. Charlebois, S. Coats. 2024. Erasing anthropogenic disturbance: Natural revegetation of linear features following wildfire, and the implications for woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) habitat management. Trees, Forests and People. 16: 100539 (View).
- Charlebois, M.L., Skatter, H.G., Skatter, S., and Kansas, J.L. 2023. Influence of Above-Ground Pipeline and Associated Factors on Movement of Winter Active Boreal Mammals in the Alberta In-Situ Oil Sands. Northwest Science. 96(1-2): 80-93. Abstract
- Skatter, H.G., Kansas, J.L., Charlebois, M.L., and Skatter, S. 2020. Long-term Snow Track Monitoring to Understand Factors Affecting Boreal Forest Mammal Density in an Expanding In Situ Oil Sands Area. Canadian Wildlife Biology and Management. 9(2) 107-131. Abstract
- Smits, J.E.G., G. Sanders, and M. Charlebois. 2019. Response of a Small Mammal Population Postremediation for an Accidental Bitumen and Steam Release from a Wellhead in the Athabasca Oil Sands. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 38(7): 1542–1548
- Skatter, H.G., M.L. Charlebois, S. Eftestøl, D. Tsegaye, J.E. Colman, J.L. Kansas, K. Flydal, and B. Balicki. 2017. Living in a burned landscape: Woodland caribou use of residual patches for calving in a high fire/low anthropogenic Boreal Shield of Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 95: 975-984. Abstract
- Kansas, J.L, Vargas, J., Skatter, H.G., Balicki, B., and McCullum K. 2016. Using Landsat imagery to backcast fire and post-fire residuals in the Boreal Shield of Saskatchewan – Implications for woodland caribou management. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 25(5): 597-607. Abstract
- Berger, R.G., Whitfield Aslund, M., Bresee, K., Sanders, G., Charlebois, M.L., and Knopper, L.D. 2016. A multiple lines of evidence approach for the ecological risk assessment of an accidental bitumen release from a steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) well in the Athabasca oil sands region. Science of the Total Environment. 542: 495-504. Abstract
- Charlebois, M.L., Skatter, H.G., Kansas, J.L., and Crouse, D.P. 2015. Using LiDAR, Colour Infrared Imagery, and Ground Truth Data for Mapping and Characterizing Vegetation Succession on Disturbance Types: Implications for Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) Habitat Management. Canadian Wildlife Biology and Management. 4-2: 119-136. Abstract
- Kansas, J.L., Charlebois, M.L., and Skatter, H.G. 2015. Vegetation recovery on low impact seismic lines in Alberta’s oil sands and visual obstruction of wolves (Canis lupus) and woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou). Canadian Wildlife Biology and Management. 4-2: 137-149. Abstract
- Skatter, H.G., Kansas, J.L., Charlebois, M.L., and Balicki, B. 2014. Recovery of Terrestrial Lichens Following Wildfire in the Boreal Shield of Saskatchewan: Early Seral Forage Availability for Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou). Canadian Wildlife Biology and Management. 3-1: 1-14. Abstract
- Skatter, H.G. 2006. A review of threatened mammals in the arctic and alpine regions of Norway, Sweden and Finland. Center for Conservation Research Report, Calgary Zoo, Calgary, AB, Canada.
- Skatter, H.G. 2006. A review of threatened mammals and birds in the arctic region of Canada Centre for Conservation Research Report, Calgary Zoo, Calgary, AB, Canada.
- Skatter, H.G. 2002. Lamb mortality of domestic sheep (Ovis aries) in Suldal, Norway 1998 Cand. scient. (Equivalent of MSc) thesis. Department of Biology, University of Oslo, Norway. Abstract
- Charlebois, M.L. 2001. Analysis of the riparian-upland transition in a Douglas-fir/western hemlock landscape. Master’s Major Project, Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
- Warren, J.T., Mysterud, I. and Skatter, H. G. 1999. Lamb mortality in Suldal, Rogaland 1998 with management-relevant comments. Utmarksnæring i Norge 2-99: 1-34
- Charlebois, M.L. 1999. Diet analysis of Manitoulin and French River fisher, Martes pennanti. Undergraduate Thesis, Department of Biology, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario.