Omnia Ecological Services is a full-service environmental consulting firm specializing in terrestrial ecological components for a variety of project types. With offices located in Calgary, Alberta, and Golden, British Columbia, Omnia has extensive experience working on wildlife, vegetation and wetland ecological inventory, assessment, monitoring and research projects in Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Ontario. Omnia has completed numerous projects in green and brown-field areas for urban land development, mining (e.g. coal, metals and uranium), oil and gas, infrastructure (e.g. roads/power lines/water pipelines) and government.

Specifically, our key service areas include but are not limited to:

  • Species-at-risk surveys and assessments (e.g. woodland caribou, yellow rail)
  • Avian nest searches and wildlife pre-disturbance assessments
  • Wildlife and habitat inventory, assessment and monitoring
  • Vegetation and rare plant surveys, inventory and assessments
  • Wetland inventory, mapping, assessment and impact reporting
  • Project-specific environmental impact assessments (PNSA, BIA, DEIA, EIA, CEA)
  • Development and enforcement/monitoring of environmental protection plans (EPP)
  • Development and verification of habitat modelling (HIS) and constraint map planning and development
  • Development and support with integrated landscape management and planning
  • Geographic Information System (GIS) and Satellite Remote Sensing Mapping and Analysis
  • Closure, Conservation and Reclamation Planning and Monitoring
  • Experimental/applied research (design, data collection and peer reviewed publications)

Omnia believes in approaching wildlife/vegetation inventory and monitoring projects in a quantitative and scientific manner whenever it is appropriate. Satisfactory and efficient study design ensures that rigorous, repeatable and thorough methods are followed. By carrying ourselves in this manner, we offer clients the possibility to develop research projects in conjunction with other primary objectives (e.g. inventory or monitoring). This has been demonstrated by the publication of several peer reviewed scientific manuscripts and conference presentations relating to vegetation inventory, vegetation response to anthropogenic disturbance, footprint mapping and wildlife response to anthropogenic influence and infrastructure. Acceptable and efficient study design ensures that rigorous, repeatable and scientifically defensible methods are followed, and projects are completed in a cost efficient and safe manner.

Detailed descriptions of some of these services are highlighted to the left.  Please follow the links to read about Omnia’s environmental consulting services.

Promo video: Consulting & Research