Wildlife Inventory / Species at Risk
Wildlife inventory, including species at risk, may consist of singular or multiple surveys, in one or more study areas, at more than one scale and each survey can be organized in its own unique fashion. Projects can include short term activity for a targeted species in a specific area or a long term monitoring plan for multiple areas within an entire region, or anything in between.
Poorly designed inventory projects, lack of rigour in data collection, and awkwardly documented datasets can all contribute to the loss of efficient and meaningful data use over time. By considering appropriate survey/study design, we can ensure the collection of datasets that are pertinent, easy to analyze, have a very long half-life and ensure that the data you gathered will be useful in the future.
The types of surveys we routinely complete include:
- Species-at-risk surveys
- Telemetry studies
- Live trapping
- Remote camera surveys
- Automated recording unit (ARU) setup and administration
- Winter tracking surveys
- Winter back-trailing surveys
- Ungulate pellet group
- Ungulate browse availability/use surveys
- Aerial surveys
- Call-playback surveys (owls/raptors)
- Bat surveys (capture/echo location)
- Scent post surveys
- Mammal sign surveys
- Nest sweep surveys
- Pre-disturbance assessments